Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted: September 28, 2016 in Uncategorized

October 2, 2016


  • Habakkuk 1:2–3; 2:2–4
  • Psalm 95:1–2, 6–7, 8–9
  • 2 Timothy 1:6–8, 13–14
  • Luke 17:5–10



This is from another Youth  Minister- A few months ago, my boss approached me and asked if I would like to organize a twenty-four-hour walkathon fundraiser. When he told me that he wanted to have the event two months later, I looked at him like he was crazy. How he thought we could take care of all of the logistics and marketing for this event while continuing to do our normal jobs was beyond me. He was convinced this event could be organized; but I was reluctant to help plan the event. As it turned out, the event went on to be one of the most successful fundraisers we had ever hosted; we even broke a record for the amount of money raised in a single month. When he came up with the idea, my boss knew it would not be an easy feat to accomplish, but he believed in our team, our cause, and knew we could pull it off!



Having faith the size of a mustard seed is not always easy, especially when we can see obstacles and trials in our path. This is particularly true when we are asked to have faith in ourselves and the gifts and talents we have been given. Challenge yourself this week to climb one of these mountains, no matter how small it may be. Have faith the size of the mustard seed in yourself and be amazed by what God can accomplish through you! Though you may not get the result for which you were hoping, you may be surprised by the outcome.


Journaling Questions


Because a mustard seed is quite small, it can be really hard to believe in ourselves enough to have courage to follow our dreams. We often have to move the mountains of self-doubt to make things happen. What mountains are holding you back from following your heart?

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